Blogon Poetry Smackdown

Like everyone else in the blogoverse, I find the statistics of my own page weirdly diverting and entertaining. Also, it’s free blogfodder, so there nyaaaah.

And here is my first poem. ::clearing throat::

“Why Moon is Better than Mars”

why moon is better than mars:
cabinet war room dance.
winning an argument for kids…
elecia battle guilty verdict.

Well, that probably didn’t cause anyone to drop dead, so here’s another one:

“signs of frozen pipes toilet”

Signs of frozen pipes toilet,
frozen pipe to toilet.

Frozen pipe stories,
frozen pipes in garage picture.

Frozen vinyl tube plumbing –
what to do about frozen indoor pipes?

So there’s my poetry. I hope you liked it (if you are not retching in the corner).

And thankfully, that’s all the Blogon poetry until next month.

How The Hell Did I Get Here

Conventions are dangerous, exciting places. Sometimes you meet someone special, as described by The Redhead. Conventions – specifically, fan or hobby conventions, bring together people with mutual interests (and no, they're not all a bunch of online weirdos with no lives). People who enjoy sharing their love for a hobby or an obsession with others love getting together for a good time – and afterwards, they've got connections that they didn't have before. And this is a good basis for starting something – anything – between people.

All this reminds me of how David and I met. It was at a Highlander fan convention October 6th, 1994 in Denver. Jeebus!! That's 10 years ago this fall… so long ago that there's not a lot of places online anymore that have links to that first, primitive Gathering I. I see there have been a lot of subsequent Highlander cons I've missed, but I did hit several of the ones on this list. Going to cons was fun, but after I moved to Chicago (another post, that one) it got harder and harder to get away due to work and whatnot. I'm just lucky that David went to that first one, because he's not interested in going to any other SF conventions – even the big ones held here. Lucky, lucky, lucky that he agreed to be dragged along with Steve and some people from the old Windy City Chat room.

He was from the northwest burbclaves of Chicago and I was from Seattle. I still think it's funny that the best representation of my old neighborhood is somebody's pictures of the Fremont Giant and the statue of Lenin the Artist's Republic of Fremont folks (or people like them) bought for scrap. And David's best "neighborhead" representation is a tourist information center for a shopping mall. Somehow, we got here – it involved a LOT of IMs, high long distance charges, and an intense relationship with FedEx and the US Postal Service. Long distance relationships suck… BUT they can and do work out just fine. I found it helpful to put my hands over my ears and chant "I'm not listening! I'm not listening!" when people tried to warn me about the dangers of meeting those online weirdos.

Strangely, it's all because of these guys. I got online because of the damn show, went and found the other fans over in the old SF areas in AOL, and found out about the first convention in Denver. And met up with some people from Chicago that I had chatted with for months in member room "H I G H L A N D E R." Tagging along? David, who was really there for hiking after the con with Steve. I knew there was something going on when I came back from the vendor's room with a Japanese wooden practice sword, and David left his place waiting in line to go get one, too. We still have them – they're one of the more durable souveniers we have. Nearly 10 years now. Weird. Weird – but good. Very, very good.

Less Horrible

Oh, forget the tropical colors. They’re too wimpy.

Here I am back at the webpaint store, but the redecorating is almost done.

VACCC — VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code

Oh, I don’t know, too many choices, maybe I’d better keep shopping.

There’s still a bit more tinkering with fonts. I love the look of Garamond font for the posts, but need a more readable italic.

It is to sigh.

Guess I’ll trudge back to the default standbys – Georgia and Palatino.

I managed somehow to install Blogroll on my own but it looks crappy. Hey, guys, it’s not as simple as clicking a link and installing a bit of code – the background gets hosed if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Which I don’t.
But at least I remembered to add the div and sidetitle tags in the index, since I’d seen David do that before… and figured out how to at least get the blogroll to adhere to the basic style of the rest of the side. I have to tinker a bit more, I don’t understand why the border and side don’t extend to the bottom in a predictable way. But I’ll figger it out, and at least for now it looks a bit more consistent.

Except for the italics. I have to figure out where that’s coming from. ‘Cause it’s not that readable, and it’s out of synch with everything else. It may be coming from Blogrolling’s preferences screen.

Italics. Here we are again. This post appears to be disappearing up its own backside.

Living in the Past

Speaking of travel, which we weren’t except for Amazing Race, so there nyahhh…

The first entry from my travel journal of last fall’s trip to Britain has been posted, and basically the journal will be the entire month of September.

There are a lot of photos and links to add for each entry, and it will take a bit of time getting photos cropped and saved in the proper format and positioned and whatnot. I hope to get the all-important “first day in London” entry up this weekend.

In the meantime, why don’t you slip down to the local and have a Fuller’s Honeydew Melon while you wait?

Are They Off Or What???

I stopped by Television Without Pity to see if there was any news about the next season of The Amazing Race and found there were rumors flying in the “Spoilers” thread. The race is on!!

Or is it?

One rumor seemed really credible at first – people spotted running around in very TAR-like style in Vancouver, BC – but it there’s a chance that the sighting actually a fall event that has an “Amazing Race” theme.

Apparently there’s a company that runs task-based adventure/racing activities as team building exercises there. In the meantime, Canadians aren’t eligible to enter the Race according to current rules. Which seems hardly fair, since the show is very popular north of the border.

It’s not right!

Go, Canada! If American TV shows won’t let you enter their competitions, just build it yourself out of cast-off appicances and abandoned K-cars, and race around the Great White North your own bad toqued selves – and while you’re at it, you really should think about starting up a network to rival anything the Big American Networks could ever produce. Or maybe… infiltrate as you always have.
The other rumor may or may not pay off, but it’s intriguing. A former racer thinks his doctor may have some other patients in the upcoming class of TAR5 contestants… that is, if he wasn’t assuming it was The Amazing Race just because he already has one former Racer on the books. 😉

Either way, given the logistics of Racing, editing, and getting the episodes ready to air, the Race is either just about to begin, or has already started. That is, if they’re sticking to the rumored summertime premiere date. Oh, hope hope hope hope hope!

While I Were Out

…rogue web designers did not bust in and redecorate the place, though I wish they had. It seems that we’re not done with the incessant color switching here, but I have the makings of a cunning plan, my lord.

I’m going to go over towards the Mac side, by way of island style. I think.

And now I’m looking at color swatches, and it’s almost as bad as standing at the paint counter at Home Despot again.
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“The Andorian Mining Consortium Runs From No One”

We watched the new Enterprise episode
“Proving Ground” the other night, and I have to say it was quite enjoyable, entertaining, and definitely not boring. Our old friend Shran showed up (you know, the guy that used to be Weyoun) and got to do a little roleplaying on the bridge of his own ship.

Shran obviously enjoyed pretending to be a goofy space prospector representing a fake mining company, and delivered the best line in the episode when he was sent packing by the Xindi ships: “The Andorian Mining Consortium runs from no one.” Heh. It seems the Enterprise has finally discovered a strange new lifeform: humor.

It’s always fun watching the way the Andorian antennae reflect mood and emotion – there was plenty of anger and inner conflict, judging from all the stalkwaggling going on.

And there was stuff blowin’ up and intrigue and inter-species close encounters of the slightly frisky kind (oh, that Malcom – he’s wired pretty tight, but help him with a weapons problem and even blue skin and antennae start looking good to him).

There was also a pretty good link back to a previous episode (again, one that didn’t suck). And a decent, if clandestine, “farewell present” after the Andorians’ attempt at betrayal (source of the stalkwaggling inner conflict, no doubt) was foiled by Archer’s Damn Fine Plan.

There was no appearance by Porthos, so no drinks for anybody except Archer and Shran, who shared a bottle of Andorian ale… or was it really Romulan ale?

I’m so confused. But it was a good episode nonetheless.

Validate Me, Ronco Baby

Validate WWW Pages

Hi!!! Welcome to (no suggestions) NASA Rash Rasp! At least, that’s what the fine folks at Codeflux’s webpage validator thinks this blog should be called.

(we interrupt this blog entry for a message from Ronco)

“Oh, no! what’s that on your face? a birthmark? Acne? The heartbreak of psoriasis? But dermabrasion is so expensive! What to do?”

“Now with the power of no suggestions NASA Rash Rasp! you can safely and inexpensively remove blemishes at the subdermal level and beyond!”

“This space-based technology, used by NASA to rid space stations of unwanted biological pests, uses the power of micrometeorites to gently but extremely thoroughly exfoliate your skin (reconstructive surgery and skin grafts not included).”
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Maui A Moo – Moo

Hmm – bitter cold, dark, and icy. Seems like a good night to blow off choir practice.

Why do I keep pissing and moaning about this? Oh, I don’t know… something about it just makes us all happy and contented (not to mention covered with a significant fraction of the beach).


Gosh, that was fun. If only Steve had stayed buried. We’d still be there. 😉

UPDATE 12/02/04: some slight upgrades. It’s only taken me a year to learn how do deal with images ‘n shit.
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Mink – Proper Attire For The Frozen Food Aisle | Recipe | STIR FRY BEEF AND VEGETABLES

Went home last night with the vague intention of stopping off at Dominick’s (acually, a former Byerly’s location) to pick up something for stir fry.

There’s often solid entertainment value to be had at a large grocery store, but usually it’s to do with parents behaving badly, or head-on collisions between those toddler-friendly grocery carts tricked out to look like little cars.

Nope, last night it was a woman in a mink coat and her controlling boyfriend – they were either the poster couple for adult ADD, or a pair of crack smoking weasels. Or both.
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