I’m still in the “clueless newbie” stage of development in doing this blogging thing. I have to ask DH to fix up/install all the technical stuff, and then I tinker around with templates and things and have to yell for help if I can’t revert to something that works. I’ve been gathering links to tutorials and places where people gather to discuss blogging, the blogoverse, blogomania, sideblogs, blogrolls, and other things blog. I’m still learning definitions and trying to figure out how not to do it, in addition to how to do it. Far off in the hazy blue distance,…
Former leak in pipe remains fixed. Skating rink fundraiser in garage cancelled. Noticed that DH mentions the incident in his blog also. The wall painting project has progressed to the “touch up places where paint bled under masking tape” stage, but it’s basically done. The ceiling touch-ups are more along the lines of “roller-size swipes of orange paint on white must be painted over with big brush” stage. Yep, next time we mask the ceiling with tape at least as wide as the paint roller. The hardwood floor project in the third bedroom, formerly known as the Tiny Room Full…