Well, That’s Sorted

Another couple of day’s worth of journal entries from the September trip have gone up. They take a lot of time to fool with – aside from typing the entries in pretty much as I wrote them, but without the bad handwriting. That’s only the beginning – then there’s choosing the pictures, messing with them in Photoshop Lite to get them looking halfway presentable, cropping, etc. – and then I realize that I’ve copied the thumbnail size image from David’s photo album (where the original uncropped unmessed-with images reside) and have to do it all over again. And somewhere in between, a lot of Web surfing to find relevant links and maybe discover factual errors and interesting sidelights.

One more picture to post – while we were away, my cat Stuey (Studebaker Baker to the vet) was boarded, and I missed him a lot.


So here’s a nice picture of him.

Cold/I Want My Mommy

More freezing weather – it’s a bright day and we’re debating whether to go cross-country skiing or not. I’m holding out to tomorrow, when the temperature is supposed to climb up into the 20’s (Fahrenheit).

Besides which, the snowbase is only about 4 inches, very light and powdery. Which means that it’s blown off anywhere that’s exposed and windy. So I think we need a bit more snow to not risk tearing the 5h1t out of our skis.

Hi, Mom!

Talked to Mom just now and tried to explain “blogging” to her. Aw, she’s so cute. She corrected numerous factual errors about my memories of the time Pop died, but seems willing to let it be partly fictional/imaginary/made up out of whole cloth… because that’s the way she’s always told stories, too, I think. 😉

My sister Timmy (oh, all right, she was supposed to be a boy named Marcus Timothy, but they forgot to have a girl’s name handy as backup) printed out a few pages and gave them to Mom to read. So she’s all proud, and I was telling her she ought to:

  • get Tivo, or at least a VCR
  • get a simple email/webbrowser box of some kind
  • write some of her life experiences down and get out there

I mean, this is a woman who has held the Hope Diamond in her hands, met Harry Truman, watched Japanese cargo ships loading scrap iron in San Francisco in the late Thirties, and nearly moved to Honolulu with her newspaperman first husband shortly before all that scrap iron flew back and whomped Pearl Harbor. Her husband missed out on the story of the century.

She has a lot of interesting or funny stories – I wish she’d do something about writing them down but her hands bother her now and writing/typing them out is probably not an option.

Craaaap. I can type almost at dictation speed.

No. No. No. Don’t do it, Ginny!! Walk towards the light!

Hey, let’s get Timmy to do it, she’s retired now (kidding, she’s busy in retirement, with more activities and social obligations than anyone I know other than my mom-in-law Leah).

And I still think Mom should get TiVo. She’d love it once it was set up, but she’s never even gotten a VCR. She’s just not into useful technology dating later than, say, the old Royal typewriter she used to use for letterwriting.

We Apologize Redux

Invision Power Board Database Error

Ooops, looks like the Television Without Pity forums are hosed – at least this one is. Try again later.

“We apologise for any inconvenience”

I wonder if it’s virus related? DSLreports was down earlier too, but is back up now.

Wonder what happens tomorrow on MyDoomsday?

Virus Sighting – had Novarg briefly. Don’t anymore. Thanks, DGH!

Phone News: we’re keeping the phones for now. The really loud tones on startup seem not to be changeable or muteable, but the shutdown tones are now turned down to the minimum level. The camera seems to work all right – we’ll see if we keep them for the 2 week period trial period. Porting the number from our old service (Sprint) was accomplished overnight. Very smooth and unnightmarelike.

The phones themselves are a little slick (literally and figuratively) that I think I’ll have to get some sort of tactile skin or case for mine. It’s annoying that I can’t get my name to appear on the outer and inner screen banners – this is an advertising banner for Verizon Wireless that is not changeable without some hacking around that we’re not willing to do.

Various solutions are possible, but then the roam banner is on all the time. Which is more annoying than not having my name on my phone, which looks identical to my husband’s phone.

Another good reason to get a distinctive skin or case for mine, non? Oui.

So it looks like we’ll keep the phones for now, and use various techniques to keep them from being embarassing when turned on in public.

Sticking a thumb or finger over the external speaker seems to work best.

Lo-tech rulz!

The Gift of Fear

I ran across something that reminded me of an excellent book that went around and around my circle of online friends about 5 years ago. It was The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence, by Gavin De Becker

It was originally recommended to me by someone who wrote for a television show that I liked. She felt that truly obsessed people could be dangerous, and she wanted the book and its message known far and wide in the online fan community. Online stalkers were a big fear and annoyance then, and the topic kept coming up in our online chats. We were always mentioning the book to new fans who “knew someone who had been stalked” or had heard a rumor about celebrity stalkers.

I’m going to have to go through boxes and dig the book out and re-read it sometime. It’s fascinating, disturbing, and gives a lot of practical suggestions that are somewhat counter to what “popular wisdom” is on what stalking is and how to stop it.
Continue reading

State of the Church

A word to the Episcopal Church…

from the Presiding Bishop.

The Chicago Tribune(subscription) notes that the statement “ignored a challenge to the denomination’s leadership.”

And about the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes? – least said, soonest mended.

And the “state of the parish?” Still looking for a new vicar/rector. Still not listed at the diocesan “clergy positions open” page as of this writing, which was supposed to happen by now, I think.

Here’s my crappy Front Page website for the parish. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of switching the site over to Moveable Type. MT is just way more fun and interesting to play with. I’m getting pretty tired of how boring the page is, but can’t be bothered to learn more than the bare minimum about Front Page’s “capabilities.”

And yes, this post “outs” my location to a fine degree, at least on Sunday mornings.

“See you in church.” — Cary Grant, “I Was A Male War Bride.”

Augh, What Fresh Hell Is This

I know the blog is messed up – something about the last post.

Dammit, dammit, dammit.

And by the way? -8 degrees below zero plus wind makes it -27 degrees below zero wind chill.

That’s negative twenty-seven degees below zero.

I’ve got layers on layers. I’m off to discover the Midwest Pole, wish me luck!

Phoney Baloney Monkey Business

Well, rats.

We picked up the phones tonight – Audiovox 8900s, to be exact.

It turns out that these phones have really loud, non-changeable, non-customizable musical tones for startup and shutdown. To me, they’re annoying but something I could maybe ignore, but to David, they’re a dealbreaker. Which is too bad, because otherwise they seem like nice phones aside from the non-changeable banner that gets in the way of Caller ID and the clock every 5 seconds whether you want it or not.

And the really loud tones on startup and shutdown. Embarassingly, head-turningly “who the hell has such a stupid cellphone sound” loud. David pointed out that if you forget to turn the phone off or put it in vibrate mode, and you remember in the middle of a movie or play that you need to turn it off, the tones will play no matter how quickly and savagely you hit the “off” button, because you must open the flip phone to turn it off. Not good.

I guess I’m pretty disappointed too – especially after running across numerous anti-8900 rants in a few “phonetech” forums like Howard Forums. Wish I’d seen them last night.

One rant in particular caught my eye:

I have to say that this is the most retarded misfeature I have had the displeasure to encounter in any piece of personal electronics.

“I know what will make our product appeal to the masses! Every time you turn the phone on, we’ll have it play a jerky logo animation at about 1.3 Hz. While it’s doing this, we’ll play merry-go-round music at maximum volume, even if the phone is set to vibrate! Then, just to make it sound even more like a $350 piece of equipment, we’ll cut the tune off abruptly just before it ends!

While you’re in there, can we have it do the same thing on shutdown too? And my 3-year old son likes hot air balloons, so paste random pictures of them on the outer display while all this is happening.

WAIT! I have an even better idea! Let’s not just make it the default…let’s NOT LET USERS CHANGE IT! We won’t even let them buy an alternative through Get It Now!”

Does Verizon have a room full of monkeys salvaged from amphetamine toxicity experiments to whom they entrust major branding and presentation issues? Do they really think they can sell this phone to PROFESSIONAL ADULTS? — (spork)

Why, yes – yes they do, spork. When they’re not writing poetry, they’re designing cell phones because they want to take over the world, be really annoying, or both. And their obsession with apples makes me wonder… are they actually Mac users? Could they possibly be the ones behind the notorious MYDoom virus?

Could it be… M(onke)YDoom??? Hmmmmm.

Now they have an entire year at their disposal. It’s their year. Their rules!

We must fight back against the lurking monkey threat, just as heroically paranoid Siamese-with-a-‘tudeBucky Katt does – if necessary, he is prepared to eat all the monkeys just to make them less annoying.

Seems like a typically American aggro response to a threat, doesn’t it? Eat the bad guys? Well, we can disavow all knowledge of Mr Katt’s plan, because after all, he’s a cat. With a regularly scheduled 9 o’clock freak-out.

The British have a novel approach to the impending threat of monkey dominion -they simply declare “No monkeys, please, we’re British.”


This wineshop in London’s Notting Hill district has already
taken a courageous but probably futile stand against primate-supremacists

Primate Primal Poetry

GREAT APE PRESS – simian poets need apples and cats, not typewriters

Steve sent this in retaliation for my sending him a link to the Sidetalkin’ site.

rock. sit rock.
want apple.
janet give apple. give apple janet.
want apple.
rock. want apple.
baltar apple. want apple.
janet give apple baltar.

Dammit, these monkeys are making a monkey out of me, their stuff is much more lyrical than my craptabulous Blogon stanzas.

Dammit dammit dammit. They write better mysteries than I can, too:

The Mystery of the Missing Cat, by Chimko

chimko find tree. need cat. where cat. chimko find cat. where cat. janet cat? apple janet? cat. cat. cat. cat. want apple janet. need cat. where cat. find cat. cat. cat. cat. chimko like cat. find cat. cat fur. nice fur. cat fur. cat. cat. chimko janet. janet. janet chimko. find cat. where cat. want cat. want apple. need new diaper. cat. janet diaper. apple janet. cat.

I might as well just give up now.

Uhh-Boy, New Toy

Steve called to tempt us: the nearby Verizon store had some new cell phones and our wireless contracts were up, or nearly up. So we made the rendezvous at the phone store, after stopping off at a huge new tile store and thinking evil thoughts about a future DIY tiled backsplash project.

Evil! Evil! Projects are evil! But there were some very nice examples there, and a lot of selection. Even David was impressed, and he usually views the early warning signs of a new household project with scepticism.
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