links for 2007-03-16

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2 thoughts on “links for 2007-03-16

  1. Actually, though I disagree profoundly on some of his premises and thus conclusions, the author of the first link has some valuable and worthy points to make:

    1. It seems likely that homosexuality has some biological component.

    2. Biology doesn’t give a moral pass. Moral responsibility is different from moral choice. We may not choose our temptations (good, bad, or indifferent), but we are responsible for our actions in response to them.

    3. Aborting fetuses who were (through some hypothetical test) identified as being likely homosexuals, on that basis, would be a grave moral wrong and should be fought against.

    4. We are all made in the image of God, and entitled to (and responsible for) the dignity that brings.

    I don’t agree with his Biblical theology, but I respect his stance on the above points, which are far further than most gay-bashing self-identified Christians would be willing to go.

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